Unit 30: Location Photography

Street Photography is capturing images of life on the streets, it’s candid so unlike photos taken in a studio the photos are more unplanned, however that means that it’s essential to have good observational skills.Street photography is about observing things happening around you and documenting it through photographs. It’s a very wide genre and can include landscapes and portraiture and still life photography. However the main focus is that street photography must not be set up or staged and is an accurate record of what’s happening.

Eric Kim

Eric Kim is a photographer from San Fransisco born on January 31st 1988. He’s an international street photographer based in Los Angeles. He teaches others the beauty of street photography through his blogs and workshops and helps people to find their own style. He has collaborated with big names such as Magnum, Leica and Invisible Photographer Asia, now he currently teaches a university level street photography course. Kim said that it took him a year or two of experimenting with different types of photography before he found his passion for street. He was first interested by landscape photography, flowers and portraiture but something drew him to street photography, he thinks it was because he is fascinated by people and faces. Photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andre Kertesz and Robert Doisneau inspired his work.

What I particularly like about his work is that instead of taking really subtle




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